New features

  • Now you can sort by quantity in Inactive items report and quickly identify your inactive items by quantity or the volume it occupies in your godown.
  • Previously, you could share your company’s bank details while sharing invoice or outstanding report to your customer. We have extended this feature to receipts and payments as well.
  • While profiling an item, we displayed the sales/purchase values of an item month wise. We have now enabled clicking on any month to view all the bills of that stock item for the selected month.


  • Now you can also view the standard price / standard cost while searching for an item via stock category and stock group
  • Fixed an edge case with outstanding calculation
  • Fixed an issue where customer last sale was not getting calculated in certain cases.
  • Bug fixes and UI improvements

If you have any requests/suggestions, please use the report issue feature in the app or send us an email at [email protected]